Reply To: End User Device Support Standard


UNM IT does have a SLA for manged workstations.  Since this is a supplemental service, the standard is up for review and comment.  It is based on the SLA we provide customers who are part of the managed ws program.  As for antivirus/anti malware, the solution offered by UNM IT is a managed solution that works with Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems.  This is preferable over windows defender that is not managed and only works with a specific OS. UNM IT is working to open up AD ports to the wireless network.  As for grouping devices such as classroom computers, printers, etc – we originally thought it might work that way.  We felt it was better to call out UNM owned workstations as a separate standard because these are the devices that UNM employees would use to access protected data.    This standard, as much as possible, is focusing on preventing data loss through UNM owned devices. Of course, this is just one level of security to keep data protected.