Hi Elisha. I’ll attempt to respond to a couple of your comments:
“This is a general question related to all of the SLAs, but I’m especially interested in the answer as it pertains to this one. The KSA report defined “Enterprise” as something that is “Exclusively offered by a Central Entity.” Does adoption of this SLA, then, force adoption of Central IT hosting for all websites, or is this SLA an attempt to describe a service that is currently offered as an option for departments? Some definition of that in the scope would be helpful. ”
UNM IT intends to complete SLAs for all of our services whether enterprise or supplemental so that users can better understand the service we are offering. Per the President’s timeline, our immediate focus is on enterprise SLAs identified through the KSA review (and that is the nature of your question). As of this moment there has not been a directive to exclusively use those services classified by KSA as enterprise, whether provided by IT or another unit. We have only been asked to document the service and collect and incorporate feedback for review by executive leadership. Any steps beyond that are to be determined. Certainly the articulation of the service and input from the community will better inform any next steps.
“4.3 Escalation – What recourses are available to the customer beyond contacting the service owner?”
We will work on the language in this section to better articulate. Thanks.
Tuan will follow up on other open items.