1. It might be a good idea to specify in the General Overview what kinds of machines may take advantage of this.
It says in 2.1 that it is “Available for data stored on servers connected on the campus network;” Does that mean any fixed computer in any location on the campus network, or do the servers have to live in the data center?
Can the number of backups/duration of retention be extended?
How far away from the data center is the offsite backup? Is it far enough away to safely assume data continuity in the face of a major regional disaster?
How is the integrity of backups monitored/measured? Is that a UNM IT function or an End User one?
Are on-demand snapshots possible?
2.1.1 – “Maintain and ensure devices have up-to-date virus/malware and protection and operating system
(critical) updates installed within one week of vendor distribution;” This is not always possible for major systems.
2.1.2 – “Customers must purchase additional storage prior to exceeding capacity;” is there monitoring that notifies end users when limits are being approached?
2.2.2 – same question as I have on other SLAs regarding selection of 99.9% uptime for this service, how it is measured, etc. Are new backups triggered automatically when they fail due to backup service downtime?