Reply To: Network Management SLA


– Should the clause “Refrain from bypassing or circumventing security measures” use language from RFC 2119 ( that this is absolute?

– Should the clause “Refrain from using any non-UNM IT supported network equipment (switch, routers, hubs, wireless access points);” use language from RFC 2119 ( that this is absolute?

– How is 99.9% uptime calculated and what goes into the uptime calculation? The 2 day time frame to repair broken equipment could possibly trigger an SLA violation of 99.9% uptime depending on how uptime is calculated. Is there an uptime calculation per department, zone, something else?
– How are degradations in service handled in the uptime calculation? Is there a certain threshold at which the network is deemed to be “down” due to a degradation in service?

– “Include UNM IT in the planning and design phase of … new construction.” Should “Policy 5310: Information Technology for Facilities” be referenced here?

– Should there be a separate section in the SLA for departments that have access to Tier 2 support?

  • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by erooney. Reason: Included note about Tier 2 support