Reply To: Email and Calendaring SLA


– Should title of SLA be “O365 Services” or similar? Email and calendaring does not fully encompass all of the services available in O365 unless there will be separate SLAs for IM and OneDrive for Business.
– Is the baseline level of service departments are expected to provide the material provided in the FastInfo documentation?
– IT Agent participation is at Banner Level 3 org. A Level 3 org can have multiple representatives, but that requires approval by the CIO per Should language be adjusted to reflect end-users or departmental IT working with their Level 3 rep?
– Should there be different bullet points depending on the type of support relationship the department has with UNM IT? Some departments have Tier 2 support and some do not?
– Should self-service docs also be added as an end-user responsibility in
– Seems like users checking email and frequency is out of scope for SLA and not something UNM IT (or any IT dept) should have to worry about. That is an HR and employee performance issue?
– Should this also be a requirement of departmental IT? Business-related communications and information should not be forwarded off site and we will not assist folks forwarding emails to non-UNM accounts?

– Are there specific timelines that can be included in the SLA for this separation process and when work-product/email disappears? Same timelines as those listed in NetID SLA?
– For bullet item 4, should that also include personal, non-UNM devices? Is setting up the Outlook client on my home PC or personal smartphone akin to forwarding sensitive emails to non-UNM accounts?
– Is it appropriate to provide a time line for provisioning of service when an employee starts?
– Are instant messages (IMs) treated the same as emails with respect to retention?


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