Echoing Elisha and Greg, I’m a little confused about the whole concept of the Enterprise services. Are these SLAs being written because there is a mandate that everything considered Enterprise must only be offered by Central IT or is there an exception process by which a unit/department can maintain their autonomy, perhaps by meeting a standard (which at this point, doesn’t exist)? When I look at the list of Recommended Enterprise Services (which I understand are now accepted/approved, not simply recommended) as documented in the Business Model memo dated 10/7/15 from the Main Campus IT Strategic Advisory Committee to the Main Campus IT Executive Governance Committee, I see 26 services, many of which could well have multiple sub-services, covering a multitude of areas. As an example, Individual Software Purchases, Mobile Device Management and Web Page Development are all listed. It’s hard for me to wrap my brain around these services being only offered via an Enterprise model. Can someone please clarify?
Cyndi Johnson