Reply To: Department Web Hosting SLA


@ ccovey01:

2.1 need link to backup and restore costs

I am not sure what “backup and restore costs” that is being referred to here is. Are you referring to the costs for UNM IT to assist with individual department’s backup and restore? If yes, then this is under Pricing and Billing – specifically under support coverage. If not, please elaborate.

3.2 – In the case of student organizations, is their local department responsible for their training?

If the student organizations go through their local departments to request this service, then yes. Reading jcapps’s feedback below this, I am thinking that a separate hosting service for official groups (non-department sponsored) is needed. I will bring this back for further discussion.

3.2 bullet 9 – local department cannot be held financially responsible for any Web Hosting arrangement that a student organization initiated and maintains

  • thus need to make distinction between personal/affiliated Web Hosting and true department hosting

Good feedback. See answer above. I will bring this back for review.

3.3 suggest requirement for use of functional email address, or secondary FTE contact to ensure the site is not deleted if say the primary contact graduates or separates from UNM

Amazing feedback. I will bring this back for consideration.

  • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by tbui.