Under Scope, I’m not sure what “Virtual Classroom Equipment Check Out” refers to.
Under Technology and upgrades, there was some conversation in the Faculty Senate IT Use Committee about this line:
“Ideally, upgrade technology during semester breaks, when environments are offline or in low use, so that
instruction is minimally impacted. Document exceptions and obtain concurrence of faculty instructors
using the technology.”
It is unclear how departments would generally obtain concurrence of all faculty using a large system, and there is not really a representative body that could provide that input. I suggest changing the second sentence to say something more like, “All proposed exceptions should follow established change control processes such as the IT Change Advisory Board, and faculty and students should be notified in advance of proposed exceptions.”
Under Support, this sentence is a little confusing: “Provide information on obtaining permission from the provider to use or access virtual classroom technologies.”
Do you mean to say, “Provide information on how to obtain permission or access to virtual classroom technologies.”
The last bullet under Support should just say Collaborate, not Collaborates.