Under who is affected by this standard, there is a misplaced “or” at the end of the first sentence. I believe it should read “This standard applies to any UNM organizational entity (i.e. branch, division, college, school, department, business unit, or other UNM affiliated organization), hereinafter referred to as a “department”, that intends to acquire,
maintain, or support print services.”
Under Responsibilities, does it make sense to list an office that has responsibility for negotiating printer lease agreements with vendors that adhere to the standard? We have been trying to move all printing to leased printers. Our preference would be to go with whatever vendor is providing maintenance at a level that matches the standard.
Will printer setup and security functions be handled by vendors under UNM printer lease agreements?
I am in favor of documented, well supported IT infrastructure, which this standard attempts to codify. Actual compliance with this standard will depend heavily on UNM / departmental ability to invest resources (staff, non-labor) to move from the current state where many areas cannot meet this standard to the desired future state. Given budget realities, I don’t know if that is realistic.